New Developments
Even though the Coach Hill Patterson Heights community is relatively well established, there are still a number of developments occurring both within and around our community. We try to provide the most up to date information about these developments so our residents are up to date on what is happening. We also encourage you to provide your input on these developments to ensure our Councillor and The City of Calgary is aware of our concerns and/or support for the projects.
For any more information about these topics please contact either the Director of Expansion and Development at development@chph.ca. Emails are sent out to members informing them of up coming open houses held by developers. To make sure you are kept up to date with current developments please add your active email address to your file. If you are not a CHPH Community Association member yet, please consider joining.
1186 Prominence Way SW
Kumlin Sullivan Architecture Studio and the landowner of 1186 Prominence Way SW intend to submit a land-use redesignation application to the City of Calgary.
Land Use ReDesignation LOC2022-0042 for 1186 PROMINENCE WY SW.
This application proposes to change the designation of this property to allow for:
multi-residential buildings (e.g., townhouses)
a maximum building height of 12 metres
a maximum of 37 units, based on a density of 30 units per hectare
the uses listed in the proposed M-CG designation
NOTE: If this application is approved by City Council, the overall distribution of buildings, building design, mix of uses and site layout details such as parking, landscaping and site access will be determined later at the development permit review stage.
Existing Designations
Special Purpose - Future Urban Development District (S-FUD)
Proposed Designations
Direct Control District (DC) , Multi-Residential - Contextual Grade-Oriented District, (M-CG)
Comments on this application are accepted until May 05, 2022. Comments received after this date may be considered at the discretion of City planning staff.
Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning
The Proposed Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan (Dec 2022) sets the vision for the evolution of the area over the next 30 years—providing direction on future development and investment that residents, landowners, builders, developers, City Planners and Councillors can commonly refer to as new development and investment ideas are proposed.
Key Ideas include:
Revitalize Westbrook Station
Enhance Mobility Options
​Increase Housing Choice
​Enhance Local Parks and Open Spaces
​Provide More Local Commercial Amenities
Visit https://engage.calgary.ca/westbrook for more information.
Coach Hill Fields Irrigation - Completed Dec 2021
The City has initiated a project to provide irrigation to the existing sports fields, but not irrigate the natural area to the east or the area in the northwest corner (where the Outdoor Activity Hub will go). In addition to the irrigation, they are installing our rink water service and quick couplers for the planned community garden. The construction fencing up will be up until September and will be around most of the park, but not the natural area, or a corner in the NW and a strip along the west of the park. There could also be some temporary shut down of part of the back lane for ENMAX to run electrical and for the irrigation contractor to join to the parks water service. This project is a Municipal Stimulus Program (MSP) project, so must be completed in 2021. Expected duration July 11 to September 20, 2021
Outdoor Activity Hub
We are in the beginning stages of developing the current Adopt-a-Rink site into a more permanent year-round outdoor recreation facility. For more information on this project please visit the Outdoor Activity Hub page of our website. Phase 1, the community gardens to start in 2022.
High School Redesignation
In late June 2021, the Calgary Board of Education announced that based on feedback received from stakeholders, and taking into account CBE’s values and planning principles, the finalized plan for High School Resignation is the same plan that was shared on June 1, 2021.
This means, despite strenuous objections from the community, students from Coach Hill and Patterson Heights attending the Regular Program will go to Bowness High School rather than Ernest Manning High School. EMHS was previously our high school for Coach Hill and Patterson Heights prior to the 2020-2021 school year, but was over capacity so the decision was made to move our communities out.
More information about the CBE high school engagement and the CHPH redesignation can be found here.
Paskapoo Slopes / Trinity Hills / Medicine Hill
The Paskapoo Slopes is the escarpment to the west and northwest of Patterson Heights, which extends 4 km along Highway 1 to COP. They are a significant environmental feature that was formed during the Pleistocene Epoch by the action and movement of Glacial Lake Calgary.
The 260-acre area was sold to a commercial property developer, Trinity Development Group, and In 2015 City Council approved the application to develop approximately 100 acres of land on the Paskapoo Slopes into a mixed-use site with retail, office and residential units to be called Medicine Hill. For more information on the project please visit the Trinity Hills website.
This project is now in public engagement. Give your input here: trinityhills.ca/vision/public-engagement
Southwest Ring Road
For anyone who has ever been stuck in traffic trying to turn north onto Sarcee from Bow Trail, the new ring road is much anticipated. Here is a link to more information, dates and expected delays: www.swcrrproject.com
New Cannabis Store in Coach Hill Plaza
DP2018-2490- Approved
We received a great deal of feedback regarding this Development Permit. All comments from community residents both positive and negative were sent to the City for feedback on this application. The City decided to approve this location for a cannabis store as it meets all of the application requirements.
Detailed information on the regulations for land uses, permits and application requirements for Cannabis Stores and other cannabis businesses are available online at www.calgary.ca/cannabisbusiness
​TELUS Pure Fibre Installation
TELUS expects to work in our community until 2023 installing fibreoptic.
Information about TELUS Pure Fibre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU3JmS_0ucQ&feature=youtu.be
What to expect during construction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ObShUkuMI&feature=youtu.be
Coach Ridge Estates
Located at 11th Avenue and Coach Ridge Road SW, this development led to the permanent closure of 10th & 11th Avenue access between Coach Hill & West Springs communities.
For more information on the development see www.tricohomes.com/communities/coach-ridge
Past/Historical Developments
Hart House
The Crandell-Hart House is a historical residence located in our community. Once owned by Stu Hart, it was home to his extensive family made world famous for their accomplishments in professional wrestling. While no longer under ownership of the Harts, the mansion continues to be referred to as the Hart House. The 5,600-square-foot home, sits on 2.17 acres of land and was built in 1902 by businessman Edward Crandell. It was converted into the Soldiers' Children's Home for Orphans in 1920 and then bought by Judge Henry Stuart Patterson from the Crandells. Sold to Stu Hart in 1951 for $25,000, the three story brick house has had many famous professional wrestlers as well as political and entertainment figures pass through its doors. In its Hart-owned state, it featured twenty-two rooms, four fireplaces, five chandeliers from Edmonton's historic McDonald Hotel, two porches, a view of downtown Calgary, and a coach house behind the main house. Members of the professional wrestling community around the world hold a great deal of appreciation and respect for the Hart House and the legacy it holds. (Source: www.wikipedia.org)
2018- SB2016-0219 The City of Calgary approved the Change of Use to Bare Land Condominium for 10 units including the existing Hart House.
Please contact the Director of Expansion and Development if you have any questions at development@chph.ca.

Permanent Closure of 10th & 11th Avenue access between Coach Hill & West Springs communities
When the community of Coach Hill was first built, it was on the City limits. The 10th & 11th Avenue roads were acreage roads leading out from the community. When West Springs sprouted, to avoid traffic using those roads as a shortcut to connect to Old Banff Coach Road, our community association worked with the City to close access on 10th Avenue at the Coach Hill Road end, and on 11th Avenue at the 73th Street end.
The Coach Hill Cares Committee has worked tirelessly to ensure that the road closures stay in place, and also requested the park-like setting on the 10th Avenue bike path at Coach Hill Road. They have also worked to with the City on the change to the 11th Avenue closure which has now relocated from 73th Street to Coach Ridge Road end due to the increase in development on the West Spring side of the road.
We have been assured from the City that the increase in density coming to 11th Avenue West Springs side, will not open up the route which is a relief to Coach Hill residents that live nearby.
Former CHPH Community Association Building
The CHPH Community Association has not operated the building located at 60 Patterson Blvd. SW since 2005.
In September of 2005, the building came under the operational control of Badminton Alberta. Badminton Alberta together with the support of the Badminton Alberta Foundation, Badminton Calgary and other support agencies.
Please note the rink behind this building is not maintained and is not available for use by the community as a skating/hockey rink, nor is it open for public use during the summer.