Community Engagement Phase 1
In January and February 2021, we sought feedback from the community on our proposed activity hub. We received over 300 responses and a summary of the responses are below:
Do you support or oppose the development of a Community Active Space?
308 responses
Top Assets
In which community do you reside?
308 responses
Top Programs and/or Activities
The most listed activities were skating related, with 146 people saying skating/skate and 53 people specifically mentioning hockey.
Some mentioned a separate skating track.
While many people mentioned soccer and baseball, we must mention that the soccer fields and baseball diamond at the site are city owned/maintained and not part of the proposed activity hub. They remain a valuable piece of infrastructure in our community and will not be affected by the Outdoor Activity Hub development.
Tennis was also mentioned by many residents. CHPH already has City-Owned Tennis Courts within its boundaries. The twin courts are located at 5804 Patina Drive SW and were upgraded in 2020 to include Pickleball lines, making them multi-purpose.
While not noted in the first round of feedback, it is a priority for the CA to have this space be accessible for all users regardless of mobility, so a priority will be including pathways leading through the space.
Community Engagement Phase 2
In April we sought feedback from the community on the conceptual design of the proposed activity hub. We received 323 responses and a summary of the responses are below.
Does this plan add value to the community?
Do you see yourself/your family using this space?
The proposed design will provide a safe, accessible environment?
The design lives up to the proposed intentions as a community gathering space for all ages and activities.
What are your favourite elements of this design?.
Do you see this as a multi-season, multi-use space?
Does this give the community a gathering space?
Would you support a playground zone in this area, along Coach Hill Rd.?
What community do you live in?
Which elements of the natural playground most interest you?