Updated September 15, 2022
We did it! During a City Council meeting on Wednesday September 14, council voted 13-1 to approve our funding. We now have $250,00 towards the Outdoor Activity Hub!

Thank you to all who wrote letters of support to the City, took the time to come to the council meetings and voiced support.
This is the result of many hours of work by members of the Hub committee, our Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator and the Ward 6 office, plus all committee members and other supporters who sat through hours of council meetings to get to this point. Here is the moment they said yes!
July 2022
How can you support us?
Write a Letter of Support! Please take the time to email the Ward 6 office letting them know you want to see the Hub built!
Send emails to: CLWARD6@calgary.ca
Below is a suggested template for your email to the ward office. Feel free to explain in your words why the hub is important for you, your family, and our community. It can be
as brief or as long as you wish!
Dear Councillor Pootmans, Ward 6 Office,
I have been a resident of Coach Hill Patterson Heights (CHPH) for XX years and tI am writing to show my support of the new Outdoor Activity Hub Project our community association is proposing. Our community is without recreation facilities or a central gathering space that is so desperately needed. The board has done a good job at offering events in the past years to bring the community together and this will be place where programs can run and relationships can be built.
Signed Resident of CHPH
Join us at our first Council meeting! On July 20, we have our first presentation to Council and it makes a HUGE difference if we have a large number of Community Supporters sitting in the gallery to show council just how important the project is to residents in the area. We are asking anyone that could take the day and come join us from 9:30 am - 5:00 am at City Hall and show our Councilors how much this project means to Coach Hill/Patterson Heights and surrounding area.
If you can join us, please email secretary@chph.ca and we will send details. As this is a weekday, a number of our Board members plan to bring their laptops along to City Hall so they can work but still be present for when it is time for our presentation.
